
Qaidah to Quran



the time and


the fun!

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Here’s how...

It recites

Touch the page with Kiitab and it will recite the words to you with perfect pronunciation.

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It teaches

Let Shaykh Omar Suleiman explain lessons to you in simple, easy to understand steps.

It plays games

Kiitab plays fun and engaging games so that you can enjoy learning the Quran!

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Learn Quran Better

Old-school methods are costing you more than you think

We feel your frustration. That's why we've helped 13,000 children save over 514,000 hours in learning the Quran. Kiitab saves the average parent hundreds of pounds over the lifetime of learning the Qaidah.

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Slow madrasah progress?

Let’s speed things up!

If you're frustrated with slow progress in reading Quran, we want you to know that there is a better way. Thousands of children have already tried Kiitab with our Read and Rise book and the results have been amazing. Now you can experience the same with your child.

Buy Now
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Bored in lessons?

Let’s make Quran learning fun!

The way the Qaidah is taught sticks with children for life. Do you remember your lesson? We want our children to have amazing Quran learning memories and Kiitab achieves that with fun games.

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Kiitab makes Quran learning more effective, fun, cheaper and faster

Kiitab saves the average parent £100 over the lifetime of learning the Qaidah, simply because children complete the Qaidah faster when learning with Kiitab.

Buy Now
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Here's the plan...

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Buy Kiitab with 
Read & Rise

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Schedule 5 minutes a day with Kiitab

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Get your child to finish the Qaidah

Shop Kiitab

Complete your Madrasah Kit

These non-Kiitab compatible would make a great addition to your Madrasah bag.

Kiitab works for all types of learners

Kiitab is a learning companion to children with wide range of learning abilities. We are here to help you raise great Muslim child.

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Slow Learners

Kiitab will accelerate your child's learners even if they normally take a little longer to move forward.

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Fast Learners

Even if your child is a quick learner, Kiitab can make them go even faster and unlock more potential.

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Learning Difficulties

Kiitab has helped children with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other learning difficulties get unstuck.

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Adults & Reverts

Kiitab is loved by adults too. Reverts find it helpful as part of their Quran learning support.

Our Promise to You

We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with every purchase. We stand behind the quality of our products and want you to feel confident in your decision to shop with us.

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We've built trust over the long term...

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Hours saved in Learning Quran

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Kiitab is loved around the world

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Start learning journey of your child filled with fun

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Savings because its faster to learn.


We've built trust over the long term...

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We've sold our products in over 33 countries worldwide.

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We've sold a bunch of products to many Muslim families.

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You can find Learning Roots products in 5 different languages.

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We've been learning how to serve the needs of Muslim families for a while...

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Frequently Asked

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